Tuesday 30 July 2019

The roles of Women in Modern Societies

Long time ago, women lived bitterly with bad condition for their live. They did not have equal right as men did. However, Cambodia women in the modern time have changed their faces because they play the important roles not only in the families but also in the societies.
             According to my observation, most women have become family breadwinner and leader because they have had equal right to accept high education and have jobs to earn for their living. Moreover, some Cambodian women play the important roles in the societies. Some of them have become commune chiefs and the commune council, so they can work to help other women have become member of parliament and leaders of some ministries.
Furthermore, some women have become managers of private companies and non-organizations.
            All in all, women play the important roles not only in the government but also private institution, so women themselves have to study hard to have enough abilities to work.

Monday 29 July 2019



   Pocket-money is what parent usually give to their children to spent as they like to especially during school poor parents cannot afford it, but even they, in these days, allow, weekly a small sum to their children. With the given amount, children buy sweets and toys. There is not much harm in the cause of poor children, can`t afford it, but even they, in these day, allow, weekly a small sum to their children. With the given amount, children buy sweets and toys These is not much harm in the cause of poor children, for the amount is so small, But in the cause of children of wealthy parents, who allowance maybe substantial, if they spend it buy sweets and eat them all themselves,their health will be ruined; in such cause, they must be tough to share them to the other poorer children.
There is no reason why pocket-money should be spend in such luxuries. The children might buy some useful article foe themselves or for their poorer companions. Some definite proportion of the pocket-money, be it even five cents may be invested in the children`s Saving Bank. In this way this may learn thrift.

Sunday 28 July 2019

Rubber and It`s Use

  Rubber is said to be the native of Brazil, in South- American. It is said that some of the sailors went with Columbus in his voyage of discovery found children playing with a kind of ball that could bounce. In 1736, a Frenchman discoveredthat it came from a tree. He was hence the pioneer of the rubber plantations.
    Rubber trees were planted in Malaysia only recently. Rubber is called the “Green-gold” of Malaysia because the product earns millions of dollars annually for the country.
    Rubber plants by individual are mostly small-holdings whereas companies own thousands of acres. A rubber estate is usually more than one hundred square acres. If it is less, it is called a small-holding.
    The uses of rubber are countless; it is used in almost everything that we are using. Airplanes, motor-cars, and motor-bicycle are impossibility, it is not for rubber.

Dropping Out of School

Dropping Out of School

Now a day, manystudent drop out of school. The number of students who give up their study have increased day today. There are several cause which relate to this problem. The first thing is that it depend the student of living. Some parents are poor and non-education, so they stop their children from study and ask them to find job to support their family, For another thing is that some schools are very far from children`s home, So it is difficult from them to go to school study and their parents don`t enough money to buy them bicycle because of having a lot of children in the family. The third reason it that some parent do get on well with each other. They often have argument and sometime hit their children. This problem make their children run out of school and home. The four reason is that have are a lot of high clubs, karaoke`s and computer games which make students forget their study and home work. In my opinion, parents must care with children with study if they want their children do well in the future.

Saturday 27 July 2019

Train Your Brain To Make Money By John Assaraf

                                        Train Your Brain To Make Money By John  Assaraf

So many people ask me, is it possible to train your brain to help you make more money?
And the answer……., Is YES. So, maybe I can share a story with you of how I started to train my own brain to help me make more money. It started with setting some goals for the kind of lifestyle that I wanted to live. And my mentor. Walter Schneider, May years ago was a very, very successful businessman, He said, in order to achieve your goals, first you have to have the CLARITY of what they are. So let`s say you have a financial goal ofmaking let`s say $100,000 a year. That`s about $8,500 a month, or about $2,150 every week that you want to earn, And let`s say you`re not earning that right now. One of the thing you can do to train your brain to help you make that amount of money is first you set your goals! Get clear on the exact amount you must earn. Whether it`s per week, per month or per year. That`s Step#1.
Step#2: Create a simple affirmation that goes like this: “I am so happy and Grateful for the fact that I am now earning……………….” Simple affirmation. And what I want you to do. Is I want you to read that affirmation every single morning 5 to 10 times and every single night before you go to bed, 5 to 10 times and as you read that affirmation I want you to close your eyes and I want you to practice-mentally rehearse you receiving that money in the form of a check or cash, or in your bank account and see the money going to your bank account. I want you to FEEL what it feels like to consistently have $10,000 a month coming into your bank account and you can choose whatever amount you want, by the way. And close your eyes and you VISUALIZE that money coming into your account, what I also want you to visualize is the IMPACT that amount of money will have on your life, your family`s life, your friend life, the community that you live in and the charities that you want to support. Get totally into a mental movie. Add the emotions. As if you were a Hollywood actor or actress pretending that that was really happening. So you`d read your affirmation I`m so happy and grateful for the fact that I`m now earning _a month and as you do that and you REPEAT that, mentally rehearse. Visualize what that looks like. And what that does is that primes your brain to see and feel as if it is real right now that activates the different parts of your brain, specifically the left prefrontal cortex which is the genius/CEO/Einstein –part of your brain that can actually help you figure out how to achieve that goal and dream. So if you do that in the morning and at night before bed…morning upon waking up. Night-time before bed. You will start to prim your brain with an affirmation, with a mental rehearsal, and you will cognitively prime your brain. And if you want a bonus step. What I want you to do is take a vision board. Either on your computer or a physical board and cut out some pictures of what lifestyle earning _a month will allow you to live. What kind of car would you drive? What kind of places would you go vacation in? What kind of home would you live in? What kind of charities would you support? Get picture of the OUTCOME of earning $10,000 a month or $100,000 a year (or much more) and start to see yourself ‘VISUALIZE. ACT AS IF IT IS REAL RIGHT NOW feel the feelings as if you ALREADY HAVE IT’ and then everyday ask yourself a question:  What can I do today to make that amount of income a REALITY? ‘WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU CAN DO and take MAAIVE ACTION’ so the physical actions in addition to the mental rehearsal. With affirmation and mental rehearsals, visualizations is one of the best ways to start priming your brain to achieve the financial goals you have.
                                                     What Did You Learn?
And what are you going to do about it? Let us know in the comments.4 STEPS TO BRAIN YOUR BRAIN TO MAKE MORE$

1. GET CLEAR ON WHAT YOU WANT (Set clear goals with clear deadlines)
      2. READ YOUR AFFIRMATION DAILY (I am so grateful I am now earning.)
      3. VISUALIZE, BELIEVE & FEEL (like you would if you already had it)
      4. ASK YOURSELF “WHAT CAN I DO” (then take massive action to achieve it)

 If you have any question please comment below, I will reply you soon as..............

The only thing that can make anyone successful!

The only thing that can make anyone successful!

There are so many misconceptions about success. Even the word itself success is not understood by just about anyone, I mean, if you ask most people what success is, they will probably tell you something that is related to achieving a certain level of money or material wealth…..House, car, money, security. Many won`t know what to say. But what is success really? Success is nothing more of your goals. YOUR Goals not someone else`s. The reason most people don`t achieve success then, is not because they are not capable, but because most don`t ever define what success is for them. In other words….most don`t set goals. And from those that do set goals many of them fail because their goals. Are driven by greed. Money driven goals. Material driven goals. Most don`t have any intention to find what their purpose in life is. Most people don`t have the belief and knowing that success comes from living your purpose. It`s not about achieving money. It`s achieving a feeling is of completion. Those who are truly successful are those who live what they are passionate about. Their work is lit up with their passion they don`t need a vacation
away from work because their WORK is their Passion. Another simple way anyonecan be successful is one word many of us use, but hardly any of us live by today. That`s gratitude. Those who are genuinely grateful for everything they have regardless of where they are in life financially, are successful by default. Because
you define what success is for you and when you are truly grateful, every day for the things do have everything else that comes is a bonus. Just about every really great human on this planet teaches the important of gratitude. Ask yourself why do these leaders, these super happy, giving, great humans teach gratitude first, before anything else? It`s because when you are truly grateful you are truly successful. Many believe if they get too content with their situation they will lose their drive. I can tell you the opposite is true when you are grateful you are filled with positive energy that will make achieving your goals much easier. You can still strive or more you can still achieve more. Just get grateful first.

Friday 26 July 2019

Destruction of War

 For over to past decade, there were domestic wars in our country, and they made the country become a fighting area. Whenever, there are wars, there always destruction everywhere.

 In fact, war destroyed everything in the country. School buildings, hospital, people` home, and other construction were destroy by dropping bombs and using powerful explosive weapon.

Furthermore, many roadsand bridges were broken down during the fighting-of arm, with army.

Moreover, people`s pet animals were killed in the wars. Another thing is that a lot of forest to sell to foreign countries to get money to buy weapon`s to serve in fighting. What is the more, fighting place become mine fields which are dangerous for the people? The worst of all is the wares killed a lot of people and some survived people become cripple who are living with difficulty now. As we seen the destruction of wars, we must not less wars appear in our country.

Difficulties of Advance Technolog

Continued progress in advanced technology is not necessary. Already the technical progress in our world has caused severe pollution in the air and in the water.

 Although the technical progress in previous year has been helpful, recent technology has significantly increased pollution. Another reason to stop technical progress is that many invention which were developed for good caused are not also used for powerful weapons or have been found to have serious side effects. For example, pesticide put inside particle board to prevent termites has now been found to be toxic to human life, Technology does not always bring good effect, For example, computer do much work faster than man, but then man loses his job to a machine. Because no man can guarantee that technology will have only good effects and will be the continued development of technology.

Thursday 25 July 2019

Advantage of Learning English

       English is an international language, so learning English has several advantage, so learning English, We can get a very good jobs easily with companies and non-government organization.

       Secondly! We can communicate with all people all over the world in order we can understand each other very well. We can understand their cultures. 

Thirdly, if we are student, we need to research to improve our knowledge, so we can research our document from the internet or libraries, In fact, Most of the really important to use in the modern word. These day if we don`t know English, We won`t have a job.

Wednesday 24 July 2019

Advantage and Disadvantages of Mobile Phone

       It is for fact that a having a mobile phone now a day is sort of a necessity it is an truth mobile industry is talking everyone by a storm, From the very basic thing of making a call to you have one of these? Or do you someone enjoys having such stuff? I do one of those too and I won`t deny the fact I enjoy using them. So as one of the million subscriber of this technology I will share you some of Advantage and Disadvantages I found of having a mobile phone as the following.

       Mobile Phone keep you constant contact with people you consider important. It can help you seek help immediately during emergency cases. If you access it`s a sense of being financially uplifted. Moreover, though mobile phone you lessen your boredom, listen to your favorite and as well as watching movie through downloading whenever you access on the internet. And it can take photo, carry anywhere and it has a lot of useful like calendar, making notes, alarm clock, timer and calculator.

     No doubt, out mobile phone make our life more convenient, but as the saying goes every technology has its equal negative side and mobile phone are not so special to be exempted. Here are some disadvantage of having it: Mobile phone are expensive people spend less time bonding with there family and friends and they just contact through phone and became too lazy meeting outside.

    Sometime it can disturbs us on our works and studies Moreover, People spend lots and lots of money buying the latest model, but it is easily broken and lost. Mobile phone can make it invade privacy. And the most serious problem of mobile phone is that it affects our body because of radiation it produces.

   To sum up, I hope you can weigh the advantages and the advantages and the disadvantages I have mentioned to help you use your mobile phone in a responsible manner. We humans created mobile phones and it is all up to our control whether to use more carefully and properly or not.

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