Monday, 29 July 2019



   Pocket-money is what parent usually give to their children to spent as they like to especially during school poor parents cannot afford it, but even they, in these days, allow, weekly a small sum to their children. With the given amount, children buy sweets and toys. There is not much harm in the cause of poor children, can`t afford it, but even they, in these day, allow, weekly a small sum to their children. With the given amount, children buy sweets and toys These is not much harm in the cause of poor children, for the amount is so small, But in the cause of children of wealthy parents, who allowance maybe substantial, if they spend it buy sweets and eat them all themselves,their health will be ruined; in such cause, they must be tough to share them to the other poorer children.
There is no reason why pocket-money should be spend in such luxuries. The children might buy some useful article foe themselves or for their poorer companions. Some definite proportion of the pocket-money, be it even five cents may be invested in the children`s Saving Bank. In this way this may learn thrift.

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